Thursday, November 3, 2011
8.30 Welcome Prof. Douglas Biow
8 : 35 Introductory remarks from Maciej Pisarski, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Poland
8:45 Opening Remarks from Conference Organizer Prof. James Galbraith
9.00 - 10.30 The European System : Dream or Nightmare ?
Chair : Professor Gary Freeman
Bruno Amoroso, Roskilde University
Terri Givens, The University of Texas at Austin
Alain Parguez, University of Besancon
10.45 - 12.00 Why the Crisis in the Eurozone ?
Chair : Professor Frank Gavin*
Heiner Flassbeck, UNCTAD
Robert Guttmann, Hofstra University and University of Paris
Jan Toporowski, University of London
Gilles Raveaud, Institute of European Studies, University of Paris
12.15 Lunch. Cosponsored by the MGPS International Colloquium Speakers’ Series
Welcomes by Dean Randy Diehl and Dean Robert Hutchings Speaker : Yanis Varoufakis, University of Athens, “The Modest Proposal”
Introduced by James Galbraith
2.00 - 3.30. Can the Modest Proposal Save Europe ?
Chair : Professor Jeremi Suri
Joerg Bibow, Skidmore College
Zachary Karabell, Time Magazine
Kunibert Raffer, University of Vienna
Yanis Varoufakis, University of Athens
3.45 - 5.15 Eurobonds, the Green New Deal and other Euro-Solutions
Chair : Maciej Pisarski, DCM, Embassy of Poland.
Marshall Auerback, Levy Economics Institute
Olivier Giovannoni, Bard College
Stuart Holland, University of Coimbra
Thomas Palley, Economics for Democratic & Open Societies
Friday, November 4, 2011
9.00 - 10.30 If Europe Fails
Chair : Professor Michael Brenner
Steven Cohen, University of California, Berkeley
Norman Birnbaum, Georgetown University Law Center
Richard Parker, Harvard University
Aurore Lalucq, Institut Veblen
10.45 - 12.15 Concluding Roundtable
Chair : Professor James Galbraith
Amoroso, Flassbeck, Holland, Parguez, Raffer, Toporowski, Varoufakis