New publication in the “Transition Policies” Series (in French only)
The debate is raging on. It can often be very technical though, and then difficult for citizens to follow. Yet it is essential that every citizen understands what is at stake in this issue. Even if we cannot put a “faire price” on nature, protecting the environment comes at a cost. The cost grows even bigger if we don’t protect it.
Making use of monetary tools can sometimes be part of the transition tool box. The authors analyse various mechanisms to that extent, basing their argumentation on practical examples. They present in detail positive experiences as well as systemic abuses and explain the controversies within the environmental and industrial communities. Through these they formulate proposals to enrich the transition policies in France and Europe.
ISBN 978-2-36383-155-2
Release date: 2015, March 12th
128 p., 10 euros
Order this book (available in French only): Petits matins