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Your donation helps us to promote the transition to a sustainable and inclusive economy.

Veblen Institute has been recognised as a « public interest association » (association d’intérêt general). Therefore, if you are a taxpayer in France, your donation gives you the right to an income tax reduction equal to 66% of the total donation, according to article 200 of the General Tax Code.
You can use the secure payment below, send us a cheque or make a bank transfer. In all cases, you will be provided with a tax receipt upon request, if you pay taxes in France. To ask for your receipt, click here.

For secure online payment, please use the following procedure:


If you choose to donate by cheque:
The cheque must be made out to « Association Institut Veblen » and sent to: Institut Veblen/FPH, 38 rue Saint-Sabin, 75011 Paris.
If you choose bank transfer:

The bank transfer must be made to:
Association Institut Veblen
Our bank : Crédit Coopératif
Our bank details : IBAN FR76 4255 9000 0141 0200 2063 292
If you have any further questions, feel free to get in touch with us.

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